Monday, June 25, 2007

Concertina Yajna

So I bought a concertina a few weeks ago. It was a rash and controversial act that I can't explain or justify. A concertina is incredibly loud, and I don't really know how to, you know, play it. Per se.

This lack of natural ability and talent is conspicuously on parade on a demo recording I finished tonight of the Mountain Goats song "Palmcorder Yajna," a great track that frankly deserves better than this kind of treatment. (I've posted it as "Concertina Yajna" on SoundClick to throw off the intellectual property enthusiasts.)

A note to the uninitiated: Home recordings don't sound all slick like you might be used to. And I know my voice sucks, OK?


fingerstothebone said...

Got a t-shirt I can buy?

What's 'mountain goats'?

Jenny! said...

All I see is vagina! Sorry, really immature I know!

chuckdaddy2000 said...

I too wondered what this whole vagina concert was about...

Michael5000 said...

Oops. The word is Yajna. I think I'll go back and fix that.

The Mountain Goats are a groovy band. Here is their website, at which you can incidentally listen to the original of Palmcorder Yajna.

Anonymous said...

Just stopped by over from mydogischelsea's. Listening to your tune right now.

You recorded that in your home. Awesome!

Digging on that device. Here in the Cleveland area where polka is so prevalent they do it in the hood too, squeeze boxes of all sorts are groovy.

Nice lyrics as well. Thanks for the night's entertainment!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the vagina thing is just another good way to thwart those IPR nutsos?

Is that your voice I hear? It's not bad. Kind of Billy Joel-esque in timbre.

Anonymous said...

Oh... and yes, people still do eat meat. I find myself wondering the exact same thing—about meat-eating and smoking. Both of which I used to do on a daily basis. GROSS!