I got home today, and I'm going to ask you forgive me for a moment while I totally geek out on you:
The total county tally from my vacation is as follows:
Colorado: 3 new counties (Pitkin, Hinsdale, Rio Blanco) for a total of 46 (18 to go)
Wyoming: 1 new county (Lincoln) for 12 (11 to go)
Idaho: 5 new counties (Bear Lake, Franklin, Caribou, Banock, Power) for 31 (13 to go)
Utah: 3 new counties (Dagget, Rich, Cache) for 22 (7 to go)
With these new 12, I'm up to 935 counties (out of 3131 in the U.S.)

(Mrs. 5000 scored 2 new ones in Wyoming, 5 in Utah, and 4 in Idaho, so she's at 919)
Nice map- but inquiring minds want to know what the color coding means. Got legend?
Wow... that's some impressive record keeping there! But yeah, I do want to know what the color coding means.
Welcome back to good old Multnomah County.
That is fantastically geeky! But fun too! I count states not counties, but now I am curious!
@Dug & Rebel: Your wish is my command.
Brown = Places visited up to my leaving Oregon for graduate school. Obviously, I did not have a lot of opportunity to travel when I was a kid. This helps with the record-keeping.
Purple = Places visited during my five years of graduate school in Lawrence, Kansas.
Red = Places visited during my three years in Emporia, Kansas.
Blue (which is hard to disinguish from purple on this image) = places visited after I returned to Portland in 1999, before I got married in 2003.
Green = Places I've visited since I got married.
@Karin: Of all the counties I've visited, Multnomah is the one I'd most like to live in.
@Jenny!: "Fantastically geeky" feels like the perfect compliment, under the circumstances. I'm two states (WV and Hawaii) short of 50; how 'bout you?
can't tell from the map, but have you been to delaware? only three counties—super easy!
919 to 935? She's gaining on you. You better watch your step.
@MDIC: Way to think like a county geek! Was in Sussex County, the southern one, in '94, and in New Castle County, the northern one, in '05. Haven't had a shot at Kent County yet. I've twice done all five counties of Rhode Island in an afternoon, though, just because that's my idea of a good time. (And I wonder why I don't end up at better parties....)
@ChuckDaddy: Actually, I just came from behind and have blasted past her. Don't throw it in her face, though. She's still chafing from it.
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