The Monday Quiz Third Season Finale!
Note: On all of this week's questions, partial credit will be assigned for plausible incorrect answers and partial correct answers.
1. Provide a legend for this cultural/political map.

2. What does this map show?
3. Where? And what pattern?
4. What pattern does this map show?
5. Provide a legend for this cultural map.
Submit your answers in the comments.
1 / Predominate languages of South America:
Purple = Dutch
Pink = Creole
Rust = French
Green = Portuguese
Light blue = Spanish
2 / Life expectancy by Country for the World.
3 / Part of Asia including India / average precipitation.
4 / Australia's population distribution.
5 / Predominant World Religions:
Green = Islam
Blue = Catholic
Purple = Protestant
Rust = Orthodox
Yellow = Judaism
Dark Green = Hinduism
1. Green - Portugese; Teal - Spanish; Magenta - Dutch; Ochre (Paprika?) - French; Blue - English
2. Life expectancy (men and women)
3. Indian subcontinent / SW Asia, population density
4. Rainfall
5. Blue - Catholic; Purple - Protestant; Red - Orthodox Christian; Dark Green - Sunni Muslim; Light Green - Shiite Muslim; Yellow - Jewish
1. Languages of South America
sky blue= Spanish
green= Portuguese
purple-blue = English
pink = Dutch
red = French
2. life expectancy
3. India and central asia but I don;t know what
4. rainfall
blue = roman catholic
purple = protestant
red = orthodox x-tianty
green= muslim
yellow = jewish
O.K. based upon the other answers - I am probably not giving enough information...
1. Language distribution in South America
2.Life Exectancy
3. Indian Subcontinent - precipitation (Does it rain in the Hymilayans - can I spell??)
4. Australia - I have been there & I still can decide rainfall or population distribution... (Sydney seems to light for Population distribution) So I will make a choice - Annual Rainfall.
5. religions - Israel is the giveaway on this map. :o)
1. Language Distribution:
Light Blue=Spanish
Dk blue=English
2. Literacy Rates?
3. Rainfall?
4. Rainfall?
5. Predominate Religions:
light green=Sunni Muslim
dk green=Shiite Muslim
1. "we may be alone on this one, but we're still the biggest, so eat that suckas," says brazil.
Languages spoken in So America.
2. Life expectancy
3. India's population density.
4. Rainfall
5. Religions of the world.
People are generally correct so far. Just three things to clarify:
3. Population density.
4. Rainfall.
5. Light Green = Sunni; Dark Green = Shiite.
1.Languages of South America
green: Portuguese
blue: Spanish
purple: English
pink: Dutch
orange: French
2. Life Expectancy Rates
3. Indian Subcontinent: Precipitation
4. Average Precipitation for Australia
5. Religious Groups of Eurasia and North Africa:
purple: Protestant
blue: Catholic
green: Muslim
red: Orthodox Christian
yellow: Judaism
Trying not to look @ others answers while I do this:
1. Languages
Blue - Spanish
Green - Portuguese
Purple - English (w/ some kinda cool caribe accent)
Pinklike - Dutch (w/ some kinda cool caribe accent)
Reddish - French (w/ some kinda cool caribe accent)
2. Percentage of people who can afford basic nutrition
3. Population Density in South Asia
4. Rainfall in Australia
5. Religion
Purple - Protestant
Blue - Catholic
Red - Eastern Orthodox
Green - Islam
Lighter green is Sunni, darker Shiite unless you're John McCain and can't tell the diff.
Yella - Jewboys like me!
Damn I hate quizzes-that was excruciating!
1 LANGUAGES (Lenguas oficiales)
Turquoise -- Spanish
Green -- Portuguese
Red -- French
Purple Pink -- I have no idea. Some sort of Surinamese Creole.
Guyana -- English
2 Life expectancy
3 Well, that's India, and lands to the northwest. Pattern? Um, population density?
4 Um, rainfall. In Australia, mate.
Purple -- Protestant
Blue -- Roman Catholic
Red -- Eastern Orthodox
Green -- Moslem (Sunni)
Dark Green -- Moslem (Shiite)
Yellow -- Jewish
1. languages spoken
green - portugese
teal - spanish
rose - french
lilac - some other language
violet - some other language
2. whatever it is, I'm guessing red is bad and dark green is good. Number of civil wars fought?
3 The subcontinent (India) plus some of you know, the continent... population density?
4. annual rainfall
5. must be religion... but I'm not sure which ones.
wow. fascinating quiz.
1. By language:
turquoise = spanish
green = portuguese
pink = french
pinkish purple = italian
purple = english
2. Boy, this one's tough. I've run it through several possible scales and it doesn't seem to fit (temperature, wealth, religion, skin color, language, literacy, hockey players). I'm going to guess literacy. Dark green being the highest percentage of literacy in a country's population, dark red being the lowest percentage of literacy in its population. Is that racist? That's my answer anyways.
3. It's India and I believe this represents the percentage of the population that follows the Hindu religion (crimson/purple representing Hindu, white representing not)
4. Knowing nothing about Australia, I'm going to guess that this is elevation above sea level (white being sea level, dark green blue representing the highest regions).
5. Jeez, I think this is delineated by the dominant religion of the region.
Blue = Catholicism
Purple = Protestant Christianity
Green = Islam (Sunni)
Dark Green = Islam (Shia)
Yellow = Judaism
Red = Orthodox Christianity
I am coming back tomorrow to see the answers. I know it is lame not to guess, but I became so curious and read all the comments and now could not be honestly sure if the answers were mine or inspired by others.
But 3. When I first saw it, I thought it was an internal organ or system. So I know I was way off in that.
1. Spanish speaking (blue) vs Portuguese (green) vs French (all the other colors)
2. life expectancy
3. South Asia, what pattern? no clue!
4. amount of rainfall in AU
5. Blue -- Catholic dominant, med green -- Suni Islam dominant, dark green -- Shia Islam dominant, purple -- Protestant dominant, red -- Orthodox dominant
Oops, I see that I missed yellow, which would of course be Judaism. But of course I saw that in other people's replies. But of course I knew that one anyhow. Whatever.
And the answers are!
1. (per dug):
Blue - Spanish
Green - Portuguese
Purple - English (w/ some kinda cool caribe accent)
Pinklike - Dutch (w/ some kinda cool caribe accent)
Reddish - French (w/ some kinda cool caribe accent)
2. Life expectancy. (Access to nutrition wasn't bad, and literacy wasn't terrible, but neither would have quite this pattern.)
3. South and Centraal Asia, population density. There are a LOT of people in India and Bangladesh. A LOT. In Kazakhstan, not so many.
4. This is annual precipitation. (Population density wasn't bad, except there aren't a ton of people up north, where it gets all jungly.)
5. (per Mrs.5000):
Purple -- Protestant
Blue -- Roman Catholic
Red -- Eastern Orthodox
Green -- Moslem (Sunni)
Dark Green -- Moslem (Shiite)
Yellow -- Jewish
Lots of strong showings this week, although no completely perfect set.
We're going to give out four Exclamation Points this week. They go to:
Mrs.5000 (hail, Victor!) -- still the MQ champ, with 12 EPs to date,
Karin -- her third,
dug, who hates quizzes -- his second,
and Quiz newcomer Johnny0, taking home bling his first time out. He is the 48th person to take honors in an M5K Quiz.
@johnny0: Come back Thursday; there's a Quiz then, too.
@a.O: Welcome aboard! I think you had it nailed, but technically you're supposed to avert your eyes from the answers of others. Hope you enjoyed the Quiz, though.
@Dug: Yeah, I know. I hate quizzes too.
@Dan: Not racist. Good reasoning (on that question and the others, too). Hockey players is an awesome guess, but Russia would be higher.
I know we just had a decathlon... but I feel like there should be a M5K Olympic tribute of some sort. I say this only because I like reading your scoring commentary.
OK, I'll give it a try. But it's always intimidating taking a pop geography quiz from a geography major...
1. This map shows official language by country. Light blue = Spanish; green = Portuguese; purple = ?; pink = ?; orange = French.
2. No idea whatsoever.
3. India and the Middle East. Popluation?
4. Rainfall.
5. Primary religion: blue = Catholic, purple = Protestant Christian, red = some sort of Eastern Orthodox, light green = Islam, dark green = Hindu, yellow = ?.
Did I mention that I guessed a lot?
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