In celebration of this TOTALLY auspicious occasion, The Life and Times of Michael5000 will be giving away -- that's right, GIVING AWAY -- an appropriate prize!!!

Well, no. Not THAT appropriate. Actually, what I'll be giving away is TRIPLE THE LOVE.
That's right. For everyone who comments on this post before 6 p.m. PST Friday, I will leave THREE comments on your blog within the next two weeks. And not crappy little "nice post!" comments, either. No way. I'll be giving real comments, and they are going to be upbeat, encouraging, and insightful.
Q: You already comment on my blog, all the time. The last thing I want is to encourage you.
A: No problem! You may optionally request I stay off your blog for two weeks, instead!
Q: This is the first time I've ever looked at your blog, and it's totally stupid and I'm never coming back again.
A: No problem! Triple the love!
Q: I don't even have a blog.
A: If you start a blog in the future, simply remind me that you left a comment during this promotion. I will deliver three comments to your fledgling blog when it needs them most!
Q: You totally stole this idea.
A: True! But I can't remember who from.
Offer good on one comment per participant. Tell your friends! Tell your neighbors! Tell your lonely blog friends who yearn for higher comment counts!
Meanwhile, we've got
Winners for The Thursday Quiz XII
Our Gold Star winner this week is collecting her first star ever, which will look good with the MQII exclamation point in her trophy case. No doubt she'll dedicate this win to her Shakespeare prof. From the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, our champion this week is Allie!
From beautiful Portland, Oregon, City of Roses, a quiz regular since the beginning, she'll kick your ass on the ultimate frisbee field or on the Scrabble board, and she is going home with her first Silver Star this week: MyDogIs Chelsea!
From postindustrial upstate New York, a man who needs very little introduction, the 166th greatest crossword puzzle solver in the universe and The Man To Beat in the Thursday Quiz, Rex Parker takes the Blue Star.
And, representing the three very same places, albeit in a different order, we have no fewer than three Green Stars going out this week, to Mrs. 5000, Sandy, and Jessica.
Congrats all around!
Congrats all around. For Allie: Yay! (Why am I not surprised she knew these?)
It's kind of scary how excited I got when I saw that I received a virtual gold star! Woo!
And yes, I will dedicate this win to my lovely Shakespeare professor (hi there! if you are reading this) No doubt that she's incredibly proud (or rolling her eyes).
Wow dude that's really freaky cuz I just posted the 100th Map of the Week and then I see this! My prediction for the future is that you will beat me to 200 - and 101. Gloat all you want. I can take it, I'm from Philly.
My condolenses re: the game. I was in Fred Meyer last night during the 4th quarter.... the guy in the electronics dept. was practically in tears. =(
There's always the Civil War.
Yes, I am the "man to beat" if your highest aspiration in life is to come in third place.
i didn't have time to play the quiz yesterday. fortunately, my heartbreak was probably remedied by yours. how's that for an insightful comment? oh. not good? ok.
Rex, considering that you can finish a Thursday crossword in the time it takes me to write "EPEE," I certainly am proud that I have (for the first and last time) beat you at a Thursday quiz!
M5000, comment away. I'm not sure how on Earth you have time to do this, but my blog's awaiting. Now all I need to do is update it.
Marvelous way to celebrate! I suspect that I will copy you in the future.
And I am glad to know that there are people out there who both read blogs and whose knowledge of literature extends beyond "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Sadly, I am not one of them.
Even though I earned no stars, I was pretty lucky to get 8 correct, 7 of which were guesses. Those were pretty good odds. The one book I did read, I got wrong. So now you know my dirty secret...
Congratulations, M5K! You made me want to check how many posts I have (published posts: 248; posts of any quality: approximately 8). Indeed, congratulations on producing a quality blog--on producing three quality blogs, actually. Very nice job, sir.
So, I spent a good chunk of my lunch break writing responses to most of the above comments. They seem to have gone missing. It's too bad. It was great material. GREAT material. Now you'll just have to take my word for it.
while i'm a little pissy about realizing i sucked at yet another quiz, i would like to say congrats on 100 posts. it's a milestone.
Congrats on your C-Post, M5K! You are nearly as entertaining in your blog as you are in real life. Now, regarding the terms of your "triple the love" offer. . .
Now Mrs. 5000, no need to go all triple x-rated on us...
congratulations michael. i love your quirky, witty blog. i love always being surprised with what you will serve up each post. (your recent scrabble post was so out of the blue...but not really. it was perfect.)
jenny (and coco, the adorable purring kitty)
I am so out of it. This is not my week.
But congrats to you, big guy! Triple digits. Way to go!
I can't believe you didn't put the Hold Steady on your top ten bands list. How dare you sir! We shall meet on a bedewed field at dawn! Choose your seconds and your weapons!
@jessica: Well, she does seem to know her literature....
@allie: Or, she could be incredibly proud AND roll her eyes. I wouldn't put it past her.
@dug: whoa, trippy....
@rebel: Game? There was a game? Tra la la.... happy thoughts... happy thoughts... happy thoughts...
@rex: I refer you to MyDog's comment.
@blythe: At the time I am writing this, you too know heartbreak. Football is a harsh mistress.
@MyDog: I told you, back when you suggested that starting a third blog might be overdoing it: I write wicked fast. The trick is to sacrifice quality.
@bridget: The only thing more sobering than playing with that "random blog" button is reading the comments on the random blogs. I've got the best readers ever. I feel very lucky, and humored.
@fingers: ...confirming my belief that successful quiz(wo)manship is as much about reasoning as it is about knowledge. And anyway, I already knew your dirty secret. Constant snacking.
@g, d, Mrs, iphigeniaj, karin: aww... thanks, guys! And you didn't suck, d.
@Coco the adorable purring kitty: Good kitty!
@Chance: Harsh! They'd be in the 20s. But very well. Weapons will be, like, completing a really hard crossword puzzle. My seconds will be Rex and MyDog.
congratulations on reaching 100! but man, if this is what we're supposed to be doing, i have a LOT of catching up to do.
Now you've hoisted yourself with your own petard, my friend. I call for a British-style Cryptic Crossword Challenge!
@chance: Aw, hell. I can't do those for crap. When I lived in England, I would get books with titles like "Extra Dumbed Down Crossword Puzzles for Extremely Slow Children!" and I could never get a foothold in those, even. Gots to be a red-blooded 'Merican crossword.
I know I am not in time for the rewards but that's okay.
here's to the next 100 eh/
Excellent quiz down there too.
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