1. What is this a model of?
(a very short answer will suffice.)

2. What process is represented in this diagram?
(the single-word term is worth a full point; without that term, a narrative description is worth half a point.)

3. What process is represented in this diagram?
(the single-word term is worth a full point; without that term, a narrative description is worth half a point.)
Sigh - this is so much easier when you can read through everyone elses's comments first - er, not that I do that, of course!
1. DNA
2. Photosynthesis
3. Cell division - or what happens when one terrorist group splits into two distinct and individual groups with their own agendas.
4. Right hand side will have less precipitation and vegetation, and probably be warmer (ie, west of the rockies vs. east of the rockies).
5. Seduction? Subduction? Something-duction where one tectonic plate pushes up against another, wrinkling the earth like old lady smiles, while one plate ends up kind of under the other one, resulting in peaking and hot molten explosions, like young planet sex.
These are just getting harder and harder!
1. DNA
2. Photosynthesis
3. Cell division, or maybe it's an aerial view of a football game -- first the players are huddled together, then they all run around like crazy doing god knows what, then they each settle into their own halves of the football field and huddle again?
4. Dryer?
5. Sub something...sub...sub...dang, it's just not going to come to me. Subduction? Submission? Subscriptions? Well, one plate of earth's crust is being pushed under another.
Hey, and I just looked at Bridget's answers, and I swear, I did NOT look BEFORE I put in my answers. I know it seems highly suspsicious, by the looks of things.
1. dna
2. photosynthesis
3. mitosis
4. well, air temperature on the leeward side is warmer than when it started out on the windward side, and the air is drier as well.
5. subduction? something like that. not subtraction, however, which is what my brain keeps getting stuck on.
1. dna
2. photosynthesis
3. mitosis (thanks mrs bucknel)
4. it will be drier, warmer with less precipitation. more desert-y
5. well, i'm only gonna get half a point on this one. it's what happens when tectonic plates crash into each other and cause earthquakes and volcanoes to form and erupt and shit.
1. DNA!
2. Photsynthesis
3. Cell division--I even know the technical name: mitosis! Mrs. Angelo would be SO proud of me!
4. The right-hand side will be, um warmer and dryer.
5. Subduction?
1. DNA
2. Photosynthesis
3. Mitosis
4. Less wind & rain
5. Subduction
Dang... when I get up early, I have no clue what the answers are, when I know what the answers are, everyone else has already answered. C'est la vie.
1. that would be our very own double helix DNA
2. Photosynthesis
3. Miosis (cellular division)
4. Oh man... the object lesson of the day. The left side of the mountain range gets lots of rain like... let's say... Portland, the right side of the mountain range is in the 'rain shadow' and is dry like Bend & the rest of Eastern Oregon. It's so weird, I remember learning about this back in elementary school when I lived in NJ... but now I live in it.
5. Plate techtonics, the cause of our 'ring of fire', volcanos & earthquakes all around the pacific.
Mi*t*osis that is...
1. DNA
2. Photsynthesis
3. This looks like one of the venn diagrams from the index card lady's blog, but I'm guessing it's some sort of cell division. That's as narrative as I can get.
4. The right hand (lee) side will be dryer and warmer.
5. There's a single word term for this? Clearly I don't know it. Continental drift? Techtonic plate movement? Earthquake? My hometown in New Zealand about to disappear into the Pacific Ocean?
Man, I hate quizzes
1. DNA
2. Photosynthesis
3. Cell Splitting (reproduction)
4. Left is Western Oregon (Wet), right is Eastern Oregon (Dry).
5. Tectonic Shifts, Continental Drifts, Subduction, call it what you want it's just the motion.
1. The human genome--DNA.
2. Photosynthesis.
3. Cell reproduction.
4. The leeward side will have shorter and fewer trees and will be warmer. It will also be less windy (hence the word "leeward") and will have less snow.
5. Plate tectonics.
1. DNA (or, Michael up close and personal)
2. Photosynthesis
3. Cell-division
4. Warmer? (Not as cloudy, damp, or cool? Makes for a nicer hike, I'd say.)
5. Tectonism? (Time to sacrifice a virgin to appease the fiery gods!)
1.DNA molecule
3.Cellular mitosis
4.The right-hand side will be in a rainshadow
5.Tectonic subduction
1. dna
2. photosynthesis
3. mitosis
4. desertier
5. subduction
I'm sitting this one out in honor of the work that I've been avoiding for the past month. (No, of course it's not due to my ignorance of most of these things! Noooo no no.)
Right hand side = dryer, warmer, with more vegetation and a greater chance of Giant Red Arrow attack
Plate shifting (tectonics? that sounds like a word I've heard before)
2 photosynthesis
3 um, cell division of a sexual nature, since it's halving the genetic material. Is that mitosis or meiosis? I think it's meiosis.
4 drier, dude. Less Hood River and more The Dalles.
5 subduction
Probably too late again, but:
1. the DNA double-helix
2. photosynthesis
3. cell division
4. the right side will be sunnier and drier, with all that entails for vegetation, wildlife, and human land use.
5. I think the term here would be "sea floor subduction".
Was the Monday Quiz V too easy? No, my friends, it was not. You are all too smart.
1. DNA
2. Photosynthesis
3. Mitosis
4. It's gonna be a lot drier
5. Subduction
And really... let me make this perfectly clear... EVERYBODY GOT THEM ALL RIGHT.
But, to avoid a catastrophic devaluation of virtual exclamation points, I am going to have to be an extreme stickler here. So, it has to be "mitosis" instead of "cell division," "subduction" instead of "techtonics." I'm even going to ding Missy for "less wind and rain" to the lee of a mountain range; there will be less rain, but wind may not be affected.
That leaves:
Mr. Shain
and newcomer Whitesailahoy
The rest of you were all robbed. I admit it. Please keep in mind that I am very fair and also robbed my own wife, unless you ARE my wife, in which case please note how many other people I also robbed.
Thank y'all for playing.
That's OK, I already spent my five minutes in Wikipedia puzzling out that it was definitely mitosis and not meiosis, so I'm braced for the loss. As long as you didn't give it to the "cell division" camp, I'm fine.
Sing praise to the happy happy cells that know what they're doing so I don't have to.
Oh, CRAP! I've done it again! Another happy evening spent with the hubby with not a thought to the Monday Quiz until just now. I've got my priorities all outta whack.
And again, I KNEW the answers. I did! Look, I'll show you:
1. DNA
2. photosynthesis
3. cell division
4. drier
5. subduction
See!? I know, I know. No ! for me, but fun quiz anyhow.
1. dna
2. photosynthesis
3. mitosis
4. it will be dryer?
5. tectonic plates converging (I see on the left that it's subduction, but i wouldn't have come up with that)
If I had to be robbed, I'm glad it was in such good company :-P
3.I can't think of the exact term but the word miosis comes to mind. But that's not spelled correctly and likely has nothing to do with cell division,
4. Yes.
5. Plate shifting.
See? I didn't even read the comments to cheat. And now I know how to use the term subduction.
You can learn at LTM5K
Once again, I was robbed! This is like the mini-mart of blogs! Except that I don't mind being robbed . . . and Fingers and I are obviously on the same wave-length . . .
next time, could you please write the quiz in english so that i can participate? the last science/math class i took was in high school in '99. the DNA picture hurt my brain. let's talk about britney spears!
Woo hoo! Another virtual (!)
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