The Wednesday Quiz -- Season I -- Quiz 8
Human Anatomy
The Wednesday Quiz is a test of knowledge and intuition. Looking up answers or asking your buddy is unpatriotic. Questions about the rules are answered here.
This week's puzzle is about your innards. Identify them properly!
2. What bone is the green arrow pointing at?
5. The black arrow is pointing at what?
6. The gold arrow at the lower right is pointing to the beginning of what?

7. The big tube pointed at by both of the gold arrows is the what?

7. The big tube pointed at by both of the gold arrows is the what?
10. The green, blue, and red bits are called what?
Submit your answers in the comments!
1. The hip bone's connected to the
2. femur bone, the femur bone's connected to the
3. knee cap bone
4. liver
5. stomach
6. small intenstines
7. the big ass artery, caroted
8. the middle and right subclavian arteries
9. flanges
10. meninges
1. Pelvis
2. Femur
3. Patella
4. Liver
5. Stomach
6. Small Intestine
7. Aorta
8. Carotid arteries
9. metacarples
10. Phalanges (green = proximal, blue = middle, & red = distal)
For a gal with a Biology minor - boy do I feel rusty! (I even tried for extra credit...)
1. Pelvis!
2. Femur!
3. Patella!
4. Liver!
5. Stomach!
6. Intestine!
7. Aorta?
8. Cartoid arteries?
9. Metatarsals!
10. Phalanges!
Thank you, Mr. Motl of 8th grade health class for making me memorize all the bones of the body.
the pelvic girdle
the femur
the patella (kneecap)
the liver
the stomach
the small intestine (if i remember right it's the duodenum)
the aorta
the caroted arteries
meta carpals
1 pelvis
2 um, femur? I've never really learned to keep track of the limbs. Makes me sounds like quite a hazard, doesn't it?
3 patella--or it is patellum? the singular kneecap, anyway
4 liver
5 stomach
6 small intestine
7 um, pulmonary artery?
8 carotids? That has me thinking of caryatids.
9 they look yellow, and I'm calling them metatarsals
10 phalanges
A special thanks to all my body parts who have been working away as I take this quiz--even if I don't know your names, I still appreciate your efforts.
Darn, I was thinking aorta, but then I couldn't come up with atria, and I knew I needed something to go with my ventricles...
1. pelvis
2. femur
3. patella
4. liver
5. stomach
6. small intestines
7. aorta know this...
8. ...but I don't
9. your hand
10. flanges or fingers (but not falangists)
1. ilium
2. femur
3. patulla
4. liver
5. stomach
6. small intestine
7. trunk artery
8. jugular arteries
9. metatarsals
10. phlanges
1. Pelvis
2. Femur
3. Patella
4. Liver
5. Stomach
6. (small) intestine
7. Aorta
8. Jugular veins
9. metatarsals
10. tarsals
1/ Pelvis
2. femur
3. patella
4. liver
5. stomach
6. small intestine
7. aorta
8. carotid arteries
9. metacarpals
10. phalanges
Tsk. Some people here are no doubt cheating by harking back to their medical educations! Trickery! Let's have a test with Premack Principle on it!
Oh, Please, please: make spelling count!
1. I'm not sure if that part of the pelvis is called the ischeum or the ileum but it's one of those!
2. Femur
3. patella
4. liver
5. stomach
6. small intestine
7. Pretty sure it's the aorta? :/
8. ??? :(
9. metacarpals
10. phalanges (probably my favorite anatomical term ever. I mean, just say it. Phalanges. There. Don't you feel happier now?)
1. pelvis
2. femur
3. kneecap. There's probably a more technical term for it.
4. liver
5. stomach
6. large intestine
7. The big ol' artery
8. the right subclavian artery
9. carpals
10. metacarpals
Dang I'm late, but sweet(!) it's still ungraded. LOVE the human body and all its parts.
1. illium
2. femur
3. patella
4. liver
5. stomach
6. small intestine
7. aorta
8. carotid arteries
9. metacarpals
10. phalanges
1. Pelvis ("Ilium" is OK)
2. Femur
3. Patella
4. Liver
5. Stomach
6. Small Intestine (half credit for "Intestines")
7. Aorta
8. Carotid arteries
9. Metacarpals ("Metatarsals" are in the feet, my friends)
10. Phalanges
Perfect performance for The Calico Kitty, d, Elaine, and SnowGirl. Kate was right behind 'em for 90 points.
For those of you playing for keeps, here are the current rankings:
1. la gringissima: 640.83
2. DrSchnell: 620
3. Mrs.5000: 590
4. Elaine: 531.67
5. Cartophiliac: 515
6. Aviatrix: 450*
7. Ben: 448.33
8. Elizabeth: 340*
9. The Calico Cat: 330**
Everybody has 8 scores on the board except for Aviatrix and Elizabeth, who have only 6, and Calico, who has only 5. Since only the best eight scores count, that means they still have the chance to move up rapidly.
I was happy that I made the list--and not even on the bottom--until I saw that the only two people below me haven't even done 8 quizzes yet. And the one above me is similarly handicapped. Ah, well.
That was the aorta? I really did have the scale confused. And don't worry Ben, I've been playing for ages, I've just fluked out and got points for the first and second time twice in a row.
Oh wait, I didn't get points for this one. What if I walk on my hands, Michael5000? What then!
@Ben: You're a contender. Also, first place in WQ I:3 and second in I:5.
@Aviatrix: Hmm, here's what I've got in the ol' points database for you:
1: n/a
2: 70
3: n/a
4: 80
5: 80
6: 50
7: 100
8: 70
Or are you applying those old, stuffy Thursday Quiz rules? Those are totally out.
If you walk on your hands, I imagine you are going above and beyond the Five Essential Exercises of Canadian Aviation Downtime. But I wouldn't put it past you.
The big clue - Carple Tunnel Syndrome. (Ask your local grocery clerk about it - or secretary.)
I know I'm too late, but I've been away and thought I might just do it anyway...
1. That's your pelvis, Elvis.
2. That's your Femur, Lemur.
3. Patella, Stella.
4. Hrmm...this is where I get mixed up, but I think that's a liver.
5. Stomach, Vic.
6. Intenstines, but which ones? I'll go for the small, I think, because the large obviously started further up...
7. That's the aorta.
8. Carotid arteries, thankyou Ms. Clark of my senior Biology class.
10. Metacarpals.
Oh damn, I just did my own marking...How did I forget such an awesome word as "phalanges"? That stuffed up both my last ones, as the hand bones all moxed up a little. :(
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