...but to bury that sucker. I have, from time to time, found myself feeling more stressed out than joyful in the creation of this here blog of late, and at the same time found myself drawn back to some of my interests in the meatspace -- quilting, music, and the garden are all perfectly respectable pursuits that have lost much ground to the L&TM5K in recent years. Oh, and Civ V comes out this fall.
So will I stop blogging? Ha! Surely you jest! But I am going to, for the time being at least, give up the WQ. Now, long-time readers will remember that I given up quizzes before, and couldn't keep myself away. And it also must be said that when I looked at the topics that had been lined up for the fourth, fifth, and sixth seasons, it filled me with a absurdly poignant sense of loss. But whatever. I am going to, for the time being at least, give up the WQ.
And on THAT Upbeat Note:
Congratulations to DrSchnell, who came from behind to win the third season. The Unwise Owl was second, and la gringissima was third, and they all took their pick from the fabulous prizes; I note that the UnWise Owl has so little faith in my ability to not write quizzes that he picked the half-credit towards a quilt, despite the seeming lack of opportunity to ever win the other half-credit.
Rounding out the Top Ten were brainiacs cum good sports Mrs.5000, Aviatrix, Phineas, Cartophiliac, nichim, Elizabeth, and Elaine.
Update: What Should I Do to Feed My Quiz Jones?
Well, you could take this literary quiz prepared recently by frequent commenter Jennifer, in which you are very likely to do better than I did. Or, you can proceed to:
This Is Not a Wednesday Quiz Per Se:
But, to help cushion the blow, here's a completely fair and balanced quiz for you: The topic is Parts of an Airplane! The winner gets two tickets to anywhere Bahar Air flies!

Aviatrix is going to ACE this one.
I, on the other hand, am going to embarrass myself. Oh, wait!!! I got one!
1. Propeller
2. oh, dear. air foil? leading edge?
3. ailerons?
4. tail, um, parts. Laterals.
5. tail rudder
6. tail flaps
7. power train?
8. fuel injector? No, wait, I see that is already labeled. (I'm very alert, here.) Combustion chamber?
9. jet engine air-intake part; also used as a bird entrance
10. WING! I got WING!
Wow, this is so far from my little fund of knowledge. Want to hear about the pileated woodpeckers out at the lake? Parts of a woodpecker would make a good quiz....
I will miss making snarky comments about how I hate quizzes.
1. The Whirligig
2. The big flapper
3. The pop-ups
4. The smaller flapper
5. The tail that wags the dog
6. the small flapper's pop-up
7. The vroom-vroomer
8. The other side of the vroom vroomer
9. The bird killer
10. another big flapper
I hate quizzes.
Empty Chair at Empty Tables from Le Mis was playing as I read this post. It was almost comidic. May the Wednesday Quiz Rest in Peace.
Not-a-Wednesday Quiz. Use the comments section to provide your answers. You must decide if the quiz "fact" is indeed a fact, or just a filament of an idea bubble.
1. Before the Wednesday quiz, M5* ran three other series of quizzes.
2. In the M5 quiz archive, there are four quizzes which were co-authored.
3. One M5 quilt was of a proposed Oregon state flag.
4. Calico Cat was a big winner of the early quizzes.
5. Phineas was the only regular quiz-taker from Texas.
6. M5 is on his third series of movies/movie reviews.
7. M5 lost even more weight than committed to.
8. M5's interest in Flags is flagging.
9. In the future, some archivist will blog "Boring old Blogs", a nostalgic look at quaint, early 21st century blogs.
10. The blog banner has been revised twice.
11. M5 is an expert at inventing pseudo-historical facts that sound plausible.
12. The Wednesday quiz will be missed.
* M5 = Michael5000.
Extra-credit for providing the correct answer to any non-fact. Winner gets two tickets to paradise.
I made the top ten! And this quiz is my prize! I look forward to your giving up giving up quizzes. I wonder what is the source of your stress? Is it (as I just realized applies to me on this quiz) pressure to maintain your status as the expert and not make mistakes? Is it the work of compiling them on time each week? The quizzes are wonderful and creative, but we would accept less amazing and more formulaic ones, and do we really scream in a painful way when you make errors?
Here's this quiz:
1. propeller
2. wing leading edge
3. flaps
4. horizontal stabilizer
5. rudder
6. elevator
7. power turbine
8. combustion chamber
9. engine nacelle
10. wing
I'm trying to identify the first airplane though. It looks like a Cessna, but it has tricycle gear, it's a fastback, has the small oil access hatch, a wing-mounted landing light, the wide gear leg fairings and aileron trim. I can't think that those characteristics are all on any model I've flown. I'll have to post and report back after research.
Here are KarmaSartre's quiz answers:
1. No, I think it was only two others.
2. I believe that.
3. No, I don't think so.
4. Yes. Sounds plausible.
5. No idea, but I'll guess yes.
6. I thought it was only the second, but I'm sure I've forgotten one, so yes.
7. Figment. But he will in the future.
8. Sadly, yes. That coral snake was an abomination.
9. Yes, but Michael5000's won't count as boring.
10. At least.
11. Indisputably.
12. Sorely.
Ooh, a Quiz!!!
1. Before the Wednesday quiz, M5* ran three other series of quizzes.
--I only remember two.
2. In the M5 quiz archive, there are four quizzes which were co-authored.
--Hmm. There was a co-authored non-canonical Sarah Palin quiz. I think that's it.
3. One M5 quilt was of a proposed Oregon state flag.
--Kind of.
4. Calico Cat was a big winner of the early quizzes.
--I believe that she was, yes.
5. Phineas was the only regular quiz-taker from Texas.
--No. Eversaved and possibly Chance are/were living in Texas.
6. M5 is on his third series of movies/movie reviews.
--I think so, yes.
7. M5 lost even more weight than committed to.
--Haven't checked in a while, but I believe that is true, yes.
8. M5's interest in Flags is flagging.
--True, although I've only discussed this point with Mrs.5000 and Cartophiliac.
9. In the future, some archivist will blog "Boring old Blogs", a nostalgic look at quaint, early 21st century blogs.
--I suspect this will happen within the next three years.
10. The blog banner has been revised twice.
--Sounds right.
11. M5 is an expert at inventing pseudo-historical facts that sound plausible.
--You tell me.
12. The Wednesday quiz will be missed.
--We'll just have to see about that. Certainly not by Dug.
As the proud owner of an in-potentia half-quilt...I salute your efforts, but I dearly hope that you find them to be ineffectual.
That said, I'm somewhat tempted to do a series of Australian quizzes at some point, as a sort of homage to that which is passed.
Unwise Owl, please do. Michael, in lieu of quizzes you shall post links to other people's quizzes.
I can certainly understand this ... I think you put a hell of a lot of work into those quizzes. Perhaps you can just do one a month or something?
The end (maybe) of an institution! Though I was always partial to the easier Monday quiz. The Wednesday quiz was always out of my league and required deep knowledge of things I hadn't thought about since my freshman year of college.
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