The Wednesday Quiz -- Season III -- Quiz 12
Country Outlines!
The Wednesday Quiz is a "closed-book" test of knowledge and intuition; please do not look up answers, ask others for help, or answer as a team.
Questions about the rules and the ~Fabulous Prizes~ are answered here.
This week's Quiz features the cartographic outlines of some of the world's countries. But, you may have to tilt your head a bit.
For those of you who are all competitive, DrSchnell has snuck to within less than two points of Unwise Owl, and even a perfect score may not be able to keep the Pennsylvanian from walking off with the title. Meanwhile, Mrs.5000 trails la gringissima by one measly point for third point in a wide-open sprint for the finish. Aviatrix could conceivably pass them into prize position, but she'd probably have to play dirty.
Also, this is the last Wednesday Quiz, so savor it to its upmost.
Name That Country!
Name That Country!
Uh-oh. I thought I was good at countries, but I pre-scrolled and some of these look hard. I'm guess I'm used to them being in the context of the countries around them. Here goes ....
1. Japan, but I'm not as sure as I'd like to be. Japan has four main islands and I guess that's four. Something looks not quite right.
2. New Zealand, definitely, even though my spellchecker doesn't like it. I'm used to seeing that in the middle of the ocean.
3. It has an island, so it's at least on the coast. It has a head sort of like a llama's. I'm getting a south Asian vibe, could it be Vietnam? NO! After reaching #9 I now realize it is China.
4. This one is presented complete with stuff around it context, so there goes my excuses. It's vaguely India-shaped, but of course it's not India. It's on the west coast. It's pointy. It has little bits protruding into it, like the west bank and Gaza strip, except that it's not shaped like Israel. There aren't that many landlocked countries in the world, and not two like that close together near a west coast that I can think of. Hmm, could it be something so small I've never noted the shape? And after reaching question #9 I can clearly see that it is India.
5. This would appear to be in northwest Africa, but it's not called Western Sahara anymore. Post #9: clearly South Africa. The holes should have been a dead giveaway.
6. Hey! That looks like France! Could it be that easy? Is this a trick?
7. And now that I know the trick, that would be Russia, with its unmistakable Kamchatka peninsula.
8. That must be Brasíl, with that shape and massive Amazon river. And I'll spell it again Brazil, in English, so you can pick your favourite.
9. OHH I wondered if you might do that and decided that you weren't that mean. But you ARE! Now I'll have to go back and look at the others. That is México. And thanks for the blatant hint.
10. Oh and there has to be a genuine hard one. It has a coast, because it has islands. It might be one of those little rectangular countries on the west coast of Africa, all competing for coastline like habitant farmlands in rural Québec. It could be some perfectly ordinary European country that I never noticed was rectangular. It's not Australia. It's going to come down to this one question, isn't it, but I don't know how to play dirty here. It is not in the Americas. Unless it's like Belize or something. It's not in Asia. Ohh is it Portugal?! I'm going with Portugal. Cause it matches the flag.
That was marvelous, thank you, Michael.
1. Indonesia
2. New Zealand
3. Billy Goat Head? China
4. Spain
5. Uruguay
6. Germany
7. Argentina
8. Brazil
9. Will this quiz never end? Mexico
10. Red Blobovania? Or maybe this one is Argentina and 7 is Venezuela
I have absolutely no clue about any but #4, which is still kind of a guess. This strikes at my absolute weakest areas. (Sound of head striking desk a la Petraeus)
Okay, I just scrolled up and read Aviatrix's answers. She is a crack quiz-taker, so maybe I have two or three right despite wide-spread guessing. #2 I picked NZ because it's the only country I know of that is two islands. (Pretty much my approach to the whole thing. With things rotated and not to the same scale, not to mention absence of surrounding land masses/oceans, I'm Lost In Space.
Oh hell that's not an island. I know which country it is. Unfortunately it's freaking obvious after I already looked up a map of Portugal, so that would be cheating, thus knowing now doesn't count. I got the the hint about flag colour right, though!
That was still fabulous Michael. I think I grew new brain cells working on it. Some good quizzes this season.
What I learn from this quiz is that:
a. France and Japan approximate rotational symmetry enough for inversion to pass unnoticed. (Or almost unnoticed in the case of Japan. I thought something was fishy there).
b. I don't expect antipodean islands to be right side up.
c. I have such a strong expectation of north orientation that it took the freaking Baja peninsula to shake it.
1. Japan
2. New Zealand
3. China
4. India
5. South Africa
6. France
7. Russia
8. Brazil
9. Mexico
10. Turkey
Oooh, a Rorschach test! I love those. Here's what I see:
1. A fur seal chasing a small ray.
2. A woman's boot, broken in half.
3. A goat peering out from behind a bush.
4. A uterus.
5. Godzilla!
6. A clump of cheese curds.
7. Porky Pig, doing a little dance.
8. A widow, crying for her dead husband.
9. A whale doing a spit-take.
10. The Wicker Man, after being set on fire.
I'm sure this says something about my personality, but I'm not sure what. Your analysis, Dr. 5000?
1. Amnesia
2. Freesia
3. Magnesia
4. Nausea
5. Artemisia
6. South Diarrhea
7. Monomania
8. Symphonia
9. Euphonia
10. The Free State of Egregious
1. Japan
2. New Zealand
3. China
4. India
5. South Africa
6. Kenya
7. UK
8. Hungary
9. Vietnam
10. Portugal
If I get any of these wrong, I may have to resign from the blogosphere...
1. Japan
2. New Zealand
3. China
4. India
5. South Africa
6. France
7. Russia
8. Brazil
9. Mexico
10. Turkey
1. Japan
2. New Zealand
3. China
4. India
5. South Africa
6. France
8. Brazil
9. Mexico
1. Sweden
2. Sweden
3. Sweden
4. Sweden
5. Sweden
6. Sweden
7. Sweden
8. Sweden
9. Sweden
10. Sweden
I bet I don't even get 1 out of 10 right.
I wrote my usual long and rambling answer sheet, only to have it be eaten by the internet. so bugger that.
1. Japan
2. New Zealand
3. China
4. India
5. South Africa
6. Germany
7. Russia
8. Brazil
9. Mexico
10. Turkey
Nice quiz, man, nice quiz.
1. Japan
2. New Zealand
3. China
4. India
5. South Africa
6. France
7. Russia
8. Brazil
9. Mexico
10. Turkey
I can already hear the shrieks.
I miss-read this as "county outlines" at first. It's still hard.
1. Japan
2. New Zealand
3. China
4. India
5. South Africa
6. Poland
7. England (er, the United Kingdom?)
8. Brazil
9. Laos
10. Portugal
Wait a second, wait a second! That's not Laos, it's Mexico! I can name the states, too: Quintana Roo, Yucatan, Campeche, Tabasco, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla, Veracruz... okay, I guess I can't name all the states...
1. Japan 2. New Zealand 3. China
4. India 5. South Africa
6. France 7. Russia 8. Brazil
9. Mexico 10. Turkey
...and the answers are indeed: 1. Japan 2. New Zealand 3. China
4. India 5. South Africa
6. France 7. Russia 8. Brazil
9. Mexico 10. Turkey
Carto, la gringa, and Dug nailed 'em, Aviatrix and the Unwise Owl right behind them.
Elizabeth, I have to say that all of your answers seem pretty right too.
Jenners, I would never isolate an outline map of Sweden here. This is a family blog.
Hey, how 'bout my answers?
Oops, DrSchnell nailed 'em too.
So, the season results?
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