"Semifinals" designates the Fourth to Seventh Rounds of the Infinite Art Tournament. This is a Left Bracket Fourth Round Match between Frantisek Kupka (4-1-1, 39-29, .574) and Wassily Kandinsky (3-1-1, 37-20, .649). Leaving the Tournament after falling to Manet is Frank Stella (4-2-1, 44-31, .587).
Frantisek Kupka
1871 - 1957
Czech; worked in France
- Defeated Wilfredo Lam in an unusual Cuban/Czech IAT Round 1 pairing.
- Beat beachcomber Andres Amador in Round 2 by a single vote. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!
- Lost to Georges de La Tour in Round 3, again by a single vote.
YOUR VOTE COUNTS AGAIN!!! - Mauled Raoul Hausmann in the Left Bracket Third Round.
- Tied with Florentine master Domenico Ghirlandaio in Left Bracket Third Round Elimination.
- Defeated Frank Stella in a Left Bracket Third Round Elimination tiebreaker by a single vote. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
Wassily Kandinsky
1866 - 1944
Russian; worked internationally
- Defeated Willem Kalf decisively in Round 1.
- Beat play-in photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson in Round 2.
- Beat Anish Kapoor easily in Round 3.
- Tied with his old roommate Paul Klee in his first try at Round 4.
- Lost to Thomas Hart Benton in Round 4 by a single vote. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!!!
Love me some Kupka
Kandinsky for me, I would happily have any of his on my wall.
First guy.
I'm feeling first guy here.
An apples to apples for me where the Kandinsky apple is clearly better. I think he's amazing.
Kandinsky, yes!
Well, Kandinsky seems like the better of these two apples, sure.
Susan votes-by-mail for Kandinsky.
Kupka! Kandinsky is one of those who has an aesthetic that I appreciate but don't actually enjoy. I like Kupka's pictures better.
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