Those of you who live in the United States of America should definitely drop everything you are doing and come out next Friday evening (Sept 5th) for the opening of Mrs.5000's First Ever Solo Show!! It's at the 23Sandy Gallery here on the beautiful East Side of the City of Roses, sensibly located at the intersection of 23rd and Sandy. Reception from 6 to 9! If past experience is any guide, there will be free wine and cookies! Can't go wrong with free wine and cookies.
Here's the official postcard! [note: Mrs.5000 uses a goofy alias, "Susan Collard," in order to attract attention in the "art scene." But you and I know who we're really talking about here.]
The online catalog for the show can be found right..... here.
Hey! The Olympics are Over!
Here's the final score of the Olympic games!
1. Bahamas: 2
One medal for every: 153,725 people
2. Jamaica: 11
One medal for every: 254,939 people
3. Iceland: 1
One medal for every: 304,367 people
4. Slovenia: 5
One medal for every: 401,542 people
5. Australia: 46
One medal for every: 447,839 people
6. New Zealand: 9
One medal for every: 463,718 people
7. Norway: 10
One medal for every: 464,446 people
8. Cuba: 24
One medal for every: 475,998 people
9. Armenia: 6
One medal for every: 494,764 people
10. Belarus: 19
One medal for every: 509,777 people
So, congratulations to the island nations for their athletic prowess!
Congratulations too to Estonia, right up there in the world standings with a 12th place finish! (And, it's worth mentioning, 3rd place in gold medals per capita!) Ära räägi! Kas tõesti?! Kas te soovite tantsida?!
Tough breaks for the United States of America, though, which ended up way back in the pack at 46th with only one medal for every 2.7 million people. And a devastating Olympics for hosts China, with a humiliating 68th place finish of only one medal per 13.3 million people. China can at least take pride in having beaten neighbor India, taking up the rear at 87th with only one medal per 382.7 million people. Well, there's always next year. Or, four years from now. Whatever.
It's Labor Day Weekend!
...unless you are from one of those countries that celebrates labor in May. Which is pretty much every other country in the world, right? Well, we in the United States of America celebrate labor at the end of summer. That's just how we roll.
A chat snippet from last year:
8:54 AM Patrick: hooray for labor!
8:56 AM michael5000: Hooray for Labor Day!
8:57 AM Patrick: oh right.
8:58 AM michael5000: well, labor too.
9:00 AM Patrick: but less so
College Football, Baby!!
10:46 PM michael5000: How 'bout them Huskies?
10:48 PM BigSister5000: Yeah, could you believe the third quarter?
10:50 PM michael5000: I'm pretty sure that was a lucky guess.
10:51 PM BigSister5000: What, was it actually lucky?
And finally, the buzz-kill:
Yoyo the Cat, who was featured back in February in the Sentimental Cat Post, died this week at age 21 1/2. She was a remarkably gentle, good-natured, intelligent, and charming animal, and lived a enviably happy and peaceful life. We miss her a lot.

Does this mean the Bahamas did better than gs49 and Phinias?
OH NO!!!! Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Yoyo... but you gave that kitty the best imaginable life. Tough summer for the kitties. =(
congrats to mrs5k on her solo art show. nerve wracking.
so sorry about yoyo. but 21 1/2, she was practically immortal.
People I talked to about medal count per capita were inevitably fascinated and impressed by it. Thanks for making me admired among my friends and acquaintances.
Sorry to hear about Yoyo. I noticed that she was amazingly calm and collected during your b-day party, even though there were all those strangers and noises.
@fingers: I think Yoyo always expected a warm welcome from every human she encountered, and generally got one. Also, she was quite deaf, which gave her an imperturable air, except if you surprised her sleeping.
We really miss her.
I meant imperturbable, of course. I myself often wish I wasn't so perturbable.
I am terribly sorry for your loss. As a cat owner myself, I get all teary-eyed just thinking about losing one of my darlings, so please accept my most heartfelt sympathies. If I may paraphrase from the inestimable J.K. Rowling:
Farewell, Yoyo, queen of felines, whose long and faithful friendship those who knew you won't forget! Though your body will decay, your spirit lingers on in the quiet, warm, and soft places of your M5K home. May your furry-footed compatriots ever flourish and your human friends find solace for the loss they have sustained.
Ohhh.... I wish I could be there for Sue's show! Her piece looks beautiful!!! More pics coming, I hope?
Again, so sorry about Yo-Yo. She looks like such a sweetie from the pictures. Kitties can be such wonderful friends. Hugs!
@Karma: Absolutely not. The Bahamas garnered one medal for every 153,725 people. gs49 has one Star for every 0.2 people.
@Rebel: Thanks, Reb. I hope she felt the same way. Tough summer for the kitties.
@d: All but immortal. But not. Sigh.
@Libby: w00t! What a great recommendation! Way to represent the L&TM5K in the Borderlands!
@G: Aww... thanks... That is a lovely literary tribute. To an animal who was, to a small but significant extent,
my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my yowl, my song;
I thought my cat would last for ever: I was wrong.
@Tereza: Too bad you had to leave before the Mrs.5000fest.... For more pictures, notice the link underneath the postcard pictures in the post. The online catalog has really good images of most of the pieces in the show.
My sympathies about Yoyo's passing. What a good life she had.
Congratulations to Mrs. M5K! That is exciting. I would be nervous. Best of luck and well deserved from what I've seen.
Go Bahamas! I do like the ratio to population much better than the number of medals alone.
Hope you did something relaxing this weekend. I tried to ride another 100 but called it short in the name of sloth at 76.
Doh! The truth has been revealed: I don't really READ. I skim, albeit very unskillfully.
Back to Sue's artwork. I just LOVE it. Would you tell her for me? Beautiful! Some day I will get to see it in person, I hope.
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