The 1970s was when the greatest rock music ever made was being made, at least if you are a fan of the rock music of the 1970s! I have cleverly removed identifying information from some (more than five, as I was enjoying myself) of the landmark album covers of that decade. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to identify the artist name and the album name.







Submit your answers in the comments.
1. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
2. Peter Frampton - Comes Alive
3. Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks
4. ?
5. Television - ?
6. Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffitti
7. David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust
8. Patti Smith - Horses
1. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
2. Peter Frampton - Comes Alive
3. dunno
4. dunno
5. Television - Marquee Moon
6. Led Zeppelin - dunno title
7. David Bowie - dunno title
8. Patti Smith - Horses
1 pink floyd / dark side of the moon
2 spreck
3 bob dylan / blood on the tracks
4 i dunno, but i like it
5 the zombies / BRAAAAAIIIINNNNS!
6 led zeppelin (obvs)
7 david bowie
8 patti smith / horses
1. PF Darkseid o' da moon
2. PF comes alive (I have a picture disc...)
3. BD Blud on the Trax
4. Stones Exile on Main St
5. Television - Marq Moon (saw 'em live in '95)
6. Zeppelin ... IV?
7. Bowie ... damn. I forget. Ziggy!
8. patti smith horses
Is there a booby prize?
I know (or think I know) #3: Bob Dylan. Album names? Surely you jest.
I belong in another century.
1 Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon
2 Peter Frampton, Frampton Comes Alive
3 Bob Dylan, Blood on the Tracks
4 Joe Allen and the Freak Show, Halcyon Days
5 The Pimply Corpses, Meet the Pimply Corpses!
6 Led Zeppelin, Physical Graffiti
7 David Bowie, Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
8 Patti Smith, l'Androgyne
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Peter Frampton
drawing a blank
Truely Ugly Dudes
Led Zeplin - Physical Graffiti
David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust
Patti Smith
I hate album covers. Even if I was alive in the 70's, I doubt I would know these. I think I've owned maybe 20 'albums' in my life. And that's counting the Vanilla Ice album I had. I grew up on mixed tapes and have since moved on to MP3's. No way do I know what the hell someone put on their album cover. Except for Pink Floyd - how can you not know that one? And Led Zeppelin. But other that that, I know nada...
Finally one I know some answers to!
1. Pink Floyd - DSOM
2. Peter Frampton - Framptom Comes Alive.
3. Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks.
4. The Rolling Stones - Exile on Main Street.
5. I'm going to say an album by Television?
6. Led Zeppelin - Physical Graffiti.
7. David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust.
8. Patty Smith - Horses
1. Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
2. Peter Frampton - ?
3. Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks
4. ick
5. they all look like this
6. Led Zeppelin - I can name a lot of records this isn't, but my dad didn't have this one so it probably sucks
7. David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust
8. Patty Smith - Horses
I would have done really well on this if you had picked some different records. The Incredible String Band - Liquid Acrobat as Regards the Air, for example.
I only know a few of these...
1. Pink Floyd - Darkside of the Moon
2. Peter Frampton? Frampton Plays Live?
3. Lou Reed - Walk on the Wildside
4. Couldn't even venture a guess.
5. The Freaky Pimply Dudes - Wanna Toke?
6. Led Zeppelin - Picture Windows
7. David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust
8. I can't even tell if that's a man or a woman.
I own six of these. I really ought to have bought Horses ages ago. I'm fine with not owning Frampton Comes Alive, however.
1. Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon
2. Pater Frampton: Frampton Comes Alive
3. Bob Dylan: Blood on the Tracks
4. Rolling Stones: Exile on Main Street
5. Television: Marquee Moon
6. Led Zeppelin: Physical Graffiti (I'm probably spelling the second word wrong.)
7. David Bowie: The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust
8. Patti Smith: Horses
This is second nature to a 38 year old who's been listening to the so-called "classic rock" since he was 17.
1. pink floyd, dark side of the moon
2. frampton comes alive
3. dylan, blood on the tracks
4. stones, exile
5. who the holy hell are those bozos?
6. led zeppelin (you actually left the band name on the cover), physical graffiti
7. thin white duke, ziggy
8. patti smith, horses
easy as falling off a blog.
1. Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon
2. Peter Frampton
3. Bob Dyla
4. ??
5. ??
6. Zepplin
7. David Bowie Diamond Dogs (oh god, it could be something else)
8. Patti Smith Horses
I am oh so glad this wasn't a decathlon event...
1. Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon.
2. Androgynous Rocker Dude, Drugs and Why I Like Them.
3. Artsy Rocker Dude, Hangover Shades.
4. That Band with the Guy, Cutouts From Social Studies Textbooks.
5. The Guys Your Mother Warned You About, One of Us.
6. Led Zeppelin.
7. David Bowie.
8. Androgynous Rocker Chick, I'm Way Too Cool For You.
All right, let's let mhwitt "show us the way," as it were:
1. Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon
2. Peter Frampton: Frampton Comes Alive
3. Bob Dylan: Blood on the Tracks
4. Rolling Stones: Exile on Main Street
5. Television: Marquee Moon
6. Led Zeppelin: Physical Graffiti
7. David Bowie: The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust
8. Patti Smith: Horses
And all hail to 1970s rock god mhwitt, the only contestent with a perfect slate! For his pains, he gets not only a MQLXXIII Exclamation Point, but his collection is filled in with a genuine LP copy of "Frampton Comes Alive," the vinyl deeply grooved from almost constant play during the late seventies and the two sleaves torn apart at the gatefold.
Dr. Noisewater, missing only one album name -- albeit the BEST album on the list, but never mind that -- also deserves our homage. He wins not only the EP, but also a four-pack of Red Bulls and some "alone time."
Rex Parker also missed only one album name, so of course scores an EP. As for further rewards, he already has a Frampton Comes Alive picture disc, and what can you get the man who has everything?
EPs also to Chance and Carto!
@d, etc: Oops, yeah, kind of fell down on the job with the Led Zeppelin album I suppose...
@Elaine: Stick around; we do music from Centuries 16 through 21 around here.
@Mrs.5000: "Meet the Pimply Corpses" indeed.
@Kadonkadonk: You kids. Get off my lawn!!
@Ben: "The Freaky Pimply Dudes: Wanna Toke?" indeed.
@mhwitt: Hey, the best selling live album of all time can't be wrong!! BWAH! Bwah-bwa-bwa-bwa-BWAH! Ba-BWAH-ba-ba, bwah-ba....
@Chance: Marquee Moon, bro! My favorite dark horse candidate for best rock album of all time!
@Missy: "The Guys Your Mother Warned You About, One of Us" indeed.
You mean Missy's answers were not correct?
(Gee, even I got #3. Of course, I remember when he was a fresh young face....)
I played No. 3 so much my housemate called it Blood on the Wax. Nice choices. Television woulda stumped me for sure.
Really? I shall have to listen to it.
At least you can tell some of us are so honest that we can't cheat with so much as a peek.... Margaret--just so you know: I got "Bob Dylan." I did not have a CLUE what the album was. But thanks to the fact that EVERYone else knew the name of the album, I even got your joke.
See how great blogs can be??!!!!(interrobang!)
kadonkadonk: wait, *if* you were alive in the 70s? *IF*?
undoubtedly too late, but i'll throw my rock hat into the roll ring anyway:
1. Pink Floyd - Darkside of the Moon
2. Peter Frampton - Do You Feel Like I Do?
3. Bob Dylan - Blood on the tracks
4. Stones - Exile
5. Iggy Pop?
6. Led Zep - Physical Graffiti
7. Bowie - Ziggy Stardust
8. Patti Smith - Horses
fuck. Television. I just peaked up and saw the answer. Nice one.
Also, Kadonkadonk - You "hate" album covers? what?!?! How is that possible. The recession of the cover album prominence is one of the great tragedies of the modern digital music age.
Well, sh*t, d*mn and f*ck! I go away on vacation and THEN you publish a quiz that I could have actually done! (Though I didn't know the one I will admit -- Marquee Moon? WTF.)
Oh, man, this one woulda been a gimme had I been in town and doing the internets thing instead of at the beach. I've got all but one of these on CD (care to guess which one?). For my money, Television's Marquee Moon may well be the best album of the 1970s. And it's got a lotta good competition. I took Peter Herlihy's Cultural Ecology class at KU with the bass player (I think it was bass, anyway) for Peter Frampton. Not sure how he got from point A to point B. I think he was an anthropology grad student.
And if there's a better first song on an album that Patti Smith singing "Gloria", I don't know what it is. She could have never recorded another song and she'd still be a genius.
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